Is your business lacking the Systems, Structures & Processes needed for it to go to the next level? Do you feel that you are missing knowledge in critical areas of business? Is your business revenue inconsistent month-to-month?

There are many different ways in which we can support you.

  • Private Business Coaching
  • Group Business Coaching
  • Sales Strategies Boot Camp
  • Financial Essentials Program
  • Business Education Seminar Series

Motivation comes from tying the growth of your business to the experiences of life that you are committed to.

– Aaron Keith, CEO, Buildify Systems

Each of Buildify’s business coaching and consulting programs are designed to teach you business – not on a conceptual level, but on a conscious level. I do not want you to know this information. I want you to have integrated this information into who you are. This is what makes our programs so effective. Our programs do not train you from an academic perspective; instead we teach you from a real-world perspective, a perspective that is proven to work.

One-on-One Coaching

$1500 per month

Our One-on-one Coaching is a 12-month program, consisting of eleven private 1-hour calls per quarter.

This program is custom designed around each client’s individual needs, industry, and goals. Given the personalized attention we offer in this program, we are able to focus on every aspects of our clients business.

Some of the fundamental areas of education that we focus our coaching on are:

  • Design and implementation of systems, structures, and processes
  • Removal of mental barriers that limit performance  
  • Strategic planning and goal setting
  • Marketing & Sales effectiveness
  • Accountability
  • Idea sharing
  • Balance

The thrust of the coaching in this program is centered around working with clients to assist them in taking their business to the next level – whatever that may be.

Our personal attention and customized approach deliver a dramatic increase in performance and effectiveness to any business owner.

The average client that participates in this program increases their revenue by 128% in seven months.

Group Coaching Program

$750 per month

Our Group Coaching is a 6-month program consisting of twenty-two, 1-hour group calls per month. Each group is limited to a small and intimate number of business owners from around the country.

The Group Coaching Program is tailored around each individual client’s business, their goals, and the needs of the group as a whole.  This program provides individual coaching in a group setting.

The focus of this program is to have our clients expand their business and simultaneously make their business more consistent and stable. In this program, we achieve this through increasing our client’s knowledge and understanding of how to better own and operate a consistently successful business.

The results our group clients receive stem from the synergistic and supportive atmosphere they are immersed in as they go through the process of building and developing their business toward their goals.

The average client who participates in the Group Coaching Program increases their income by over 80% in six months.

The Sales Bootcamp

$900 for the program

*Warning* This is a Boot Camp, this program is not for everyone. This program is aggressive and it moves fast; it’s designed to cause a breakthrough in your Sales in just 6 weeks. This is a butt-kick program and the results will show.

This program only runs three times a year and each program is limited to a small intimate group. Below is a brief overview of some of the things that get covered during the program.

This program is just 6 weeks long and each week there is a 1½-hour group coaching call.

Here are just some of the distinctions that are taught in this program:

  • Proper time management systems for effective Marketing & Sales. We tailor the time management systems around your actual sales targets. Learn when to do it, how long to do it for, and how to be effective during that time you have set aside.  
  • We will create a sales process that is congruent with how your customers approach their buying decisions. This customized sales process dramatically increases both your closing ratio and customer retention.
  • You will be trained to be more effective at generating new customers by using cutting edge word of mouth marketing techniques.
  • We will go over how to have a powerful mindset around Sales & Selling, and we will get into how to teach that mindset to your customers.
  • We will also cover what is required nowadays in order to maintain a high level of customer retention in your industry, and we will create structures in your business to support this.  
  • We will work with you to get clear on exactly what you need to do to grow your Sales and keep them consistent after the program is over.

Its very common for people in the Sales Boot Camp to increased their sales well beyond 60% during the short 6-week program.

Finance Essentials Program

$175 per month

This is a beginner through intermediate finance essentials program, designed to get business owners facile with the distinctions in the area of business & personal finance.

This program educates business owners how to properly interact with money as it moves to a business, through a business, over to the personal side, and through the personal budget.

The Finance Essentials program is designed to teach you what you need to know so you can be successful with your business & personal finances. During the program we will get your finance systems created and in place, then we will get you comfortable using all the systems. We accomplish all this in 6 months.

Business Performance Seminars

$35 / Free if it's your first time!

This program consists of an in-depth focus and multiple discussions regarding key distinctions and ideas that elevate the knowledge and awareness of business owners. It is an interactive conversation for business owners who are interested in expanding themselves and the businesses they own.

These monthly Business Intensive Seminars are designed such that in only two hours, business owners are able to be in an empowering atmosphere while they learn valuable information about how to better own and operate their business.

The best way we have found to deliver on this commitment is through hands-on exercises, coaching, and group brainstorming.

Here at Buildify, we know how important it is to be constantly learning and growing as a business owner. We also know the value of having an empowering environment where one can network with other like-minded business owners. At the end of each Seminar, everyone in the room has the opportunity to spend time networking with the other business owners. This part of the Seminars allows you to expand the number of people you network with – an invaluable asset.